
When Life is Writing: A Conversation with Walter Rhein

How one author transforms every moment into creative opportunity

If Walter Rhein was a healthy snack, the package would say "110% pure writer". 🤣

I discovered his writing on Medium. Then I had some conversations via comments and email with him.

As a reader, his generosity, soulfulness and positivity attracted me (besides his evident writing skills). As a writer, I’m amazed by his productivity.

Every week he publishes 3+ long-form articles, countless notes, several podcasts. Then, he's an editor on Medium. And he also enriches his writing with hand-drawn illustrations!

But do you know the best part? He doesn't look burnt out at all. This is his calling and his mission, given he often talks about politics and social issues.

To me, and for many other writers, this looks like the dream life.

In this interview, you'll learn how he makes this possible by combining inspiration, habits, and technology.

If you liked this, say thanks to Walter in the comments. And share the interview with your creator friends
