Very wise words

Followers are just a social vanity metric

No correlation with revenue whatsoever

It goes back to the human desire of “being approved”

You don’t need approval from an army of anons on the internet

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And no correlation with engaged readers either.

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It’s a conundrum. People do judge based on number of followers,on the other hand, number of follows don’t matter, but likes and comments and eventually those turned into clients.

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At this point, for me it isn't. If you do what attracts engaged readers, you also attract followers.

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I've always thought follower count is a weird metric. I've seen a bunch of people looking to do follow for follow in other platforms. I think it's so stupid for reasons you mentioned above. It's a metric that we strive for and it effectively does nothing.

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It's the easiest to measure.

It needs courage to stop bragging about your follower count.

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Thank you, Alberto. I am still taking baby steps on Substack. I appreciate your comments on looking beyond a person's number of followers.

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On most platform, I cap my following list. Throughout the year, I'll find creators that I am following but avoiding & do a purge. I'll go to their content list & see how much recent content I'm still interested in consuming. Often they'll get on a topic I like which solicited the follow, but then they move on to topics I don't like. Purged. If they only had the one video I liked? Purged. They were fun & unique, but it's gotten stale or annoying: Purged. They start posting 5x / day instead of weekly: Purged. My YT list is ~30 & likely will get purged soon. Substack is at 5-10. I recently did a purge when it was getting close to 30. I've had the same 12 podcasts for 2 years.

There IS a cost to follow someone: time & mental energy. You can't read or watch everything. Every creator on your "Following" list takes up screen real estate & demands your attention. It takes time to even read the headline & decide "Do I want to read more?" Every decision is a drain on your mental energy.

Do It!

Purge your following list to what u actually value & see how much more time & mental energy u have for the rest of the day.

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Reading is much more time & mental energy intensive compared to Tweets, images, videos, or audio content. I listen to my podcasts WHILE driving. I watch YT WHILE chilling, relaxing before sleep. You can't read half-asleep or while driving or otherwise distracted. This gives a natural limit to how many can be consumed.

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You are right...

But some substacks have podcasts.

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Albert, I keep telling myself to ignore all that and focus on writing, publishing and engaging.

Then, monetizing the Substack audience will naturally occur.

That is, well-placed call to actions with juicy giveaways are required with nets that nurture and massage.

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I'm actually one of those weird people who cleans up her lists all the time 😅 if I haven't watched the last ten videos of a YouTuber I unsubscribe, if the last couple newsletters weren't my cup of tea I unsubscribe. I know that if there's something they put out that really interests me, the algorithm will put it in front of me again and then I might subscribe again. I'm weird like that 🤷‍♀️. That being said I do agree with what you say about not getting too hung up on the numbers, for me genuine engagement matters so much more.

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Agreed. That’s one of the counts that don’t really count in the grand scheme of things.

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Hi Alberto,

I agree with your assessment that followers are a "vanity" metric for most parts.

The only exception I have found is when the social platform offers incentives to gain followers, as Medium did with its referral bonus program in August 2021. Authors earned a referral bonus for each paid member they managed to sign up as a follower.

You can see the difference clearly when comparing top authors, and I have more details and statistics in this story:


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Hi, Alberto: One of the sections of my article is based on this post, with accreditation:


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