Sep 14Liked by Alberto Cabas Vidani

Alberto, my biggest obstacle I would say is distractions. I read something that stated that the average person once they got distracted, it would take them approximately 20 minutes to come back to what they were doing. I guess I'm not the person because mine could be a much longer timeframe and sometimes I might not even get back to it depending on how big a priority it is for me.

I'm blessed in this way, to me it's much more about the content than the writing and getting every sentence the best it can be. if I spent time doing that, because I would go down the rabbit hole too and I would never get anything done.

I have a list of hundreds of things that I could write about. However, almost all the articles I've published came from something that I read or popped in my head and I immediately grab my notepad, voice text, edit and publish it.

I think some of those are my better articles because I'm writing with passion and emotion (whatever that emotion is) in the moment. And it just flows.

I wouldn't say that I'm a professional writer by any means but I have a lot of information to get out to help people and I am improving as I write.

Another thing you mentioned was having a place to write. I do think that's really important. A space that you enjoy and feel comfortable in and there may even be a special place that one goes where the ideas really flow. Unfortunately, most of my ideas come to me when I'm in the shower or out mowing on the 10 acres so I have to stop and voice text into my phone during those times. Then after I complete that task, I immediately start my process.

I think time management is always something that can be improved on as I look back over each day I think about what I could've done differently to better spend my time whether it's riding, spending time with my mom, working on my newsletter to make it better etc

Really appreciate the article because it did get me thinking about how to better allocate my time throughout the day 🙏

Time is one of those things we don't get back once it's gone. We should spend it wisely 🧐

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Thank you for thinking and sharing so much!

Riding the enthusiasm is crucial, but often, if you want to build an audience and a business, you need to be strategic. So, it's a balance.

When I have an idea, I try to note it down with enough detail to be able to recall it precisely in the future. Then, I choose what to write about balancing enthusiasm and long term strategy

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Great strategy to really study how you use your time. This will enable great mindfulness! Love the app! Thank you.

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Thank you !

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Great read! Agree 100%

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I’ve been using ToggleTrack since March of this year, ever since I quit my job as a lawyer to work on my sci fi novel. It comforts me to know how my time is spent so if I don’t make progress on the novel I can see why. It’s has been truly wonderful. I will say though that the time tracking discipline came from billing time as a lawyer. It’s a pretty Herculean task and never would have picked it up if I wasn’t forced to do for 7 years as a lawyer.

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