Today, I need your help. But don’t worry, it takes just a couple of minutes.
Last year, I published two mini-books for paid subscribers:
I think mini-books are a great way to learn (and teach 😄). They are longer than the usual article, so they can go more in depth and cover all the aspects. But they aren’t so long that you end up abandoning them.
So, this year, I want to publish one mini-book every month for my paid subscribers. I’m also thinking about releasing the audio version (maybe with the help of AI 🤫). But, one step at a time.
Anyway, the mini-book for January is half done: The Definitive Guide to Guest Posting.
But for the rest of the year, I’m open. I came up with a few mini-books ideas, based on my experience, your feedback on my content, and the problems shared by most creators.
I want to know your preference, though. I created a survey. If you have a minute, vote on your favorite book idea (the title aren’t definitive).
Thanks a lot!
Just voted, but I wanted to pick more than 3! lol
Also, love that image!
Congrats Alberto! Are you publishing these on Amazon or Gumroad?